When a company runs like clockwork, marketing and sales tasks can appear as if they are blended. However, only the companies that can distinctly identify the purposes and roles of these departments and their tools are able to function successfully and efficiently. Marketing automation and CRM systems are both tools used by companies to handle and organize leads and interactions. While they may appear to take on similar tasks, it is important to understand the goals of each software in order to effectively integrate them with business processes. Primary Differences […]
With the world gradually emerging from lockdown, businesses are finding themselves coming face-to-face with their clients again. But as we meet in person and awkwardly decide whether to offer a handshake, elbow bump, or social distanced wave, there is one piece of engagement that should never be inhibited—building your email lists. Truth be told, businesses have never been very good at collecting data in the real world. For example, how many business cards have lingered in old school goldfish bowls for days or even weeks after their collection at an […]
A transactional email is a communication that is sent to a customer following a specific engagement, such as account activation, subscription, purchase, or password reset. They can also be used to highlight the various stages of the shipping process, including the moment an item has been dispatched, package tracking information, and final delivery confirmation. As email communications go, your transactional emails could be the most important emails that you ever send. Moreover, in an era defined by regulations, including GDPR and CSAL, when businesses can no longer rely on implied consent to add customers to their marketing lists, transactional emails […]
This month’s emfluence Marketing Platform updates include more SMS features, a reCAPTCHA option for surveys, the ability to split contacts on a workflow and more. See what our community has asked for and what we built in August 2021: More SMS Updates! emfluence continues to expand its new SMS offering. New features include adding automated SMS messages to workflows and being able to preview the SMS messages inside the workflow (you can now also do this on emails in workflows!). If you are interested in enabling SMS in your account, reach […]
Manufacturing companies aren’t typically on the leading edge of adoption for digital marketing strategies, and according to the Content Marketing Institute, only 1% of manufacturing marketing teams consider their marketing to be “sophisticated”. However, you don’t need to be a marketing wizard to leverage your CRM data to efficiently (and effectively) segment, nurture and ultimately sell more deals with your marketing automation platform. You just need the right data and a plan in place. Marketing deserves at least a 50% stake in every CRM. The data being collected in your […]