Marketing Automation Tips for Banks

While banking is very much a human-focused business, it’s also an industry that increasingly relies on technology to connect with its customers. As such, technologies like marketing automation perfectly support the banking sector’s focus on building and maintaining trust, fostering long-term relationships, and enhancing customer experiences.  But what is marketing automation, and how can it help marketers in the banking sector connect with their target audience more timely, efficiently, and effectively?  What is Marketing Automation?  Marketing automation technology streamlines and automates essential marketing tasks by combining complementary marketing channels, including […]

How Marketing Automation Software Elevates Marketing Strategies for Banks and Credit Unions

Few other industries can know their customers better than the financial services sector. Banks and credit unions take care of the things that really matter most to American consumers, including their income, savings, loans and mortgages, investments, insurance premiums, and even their kids’ education. With so much information readily available and the right marketing automation software in place, a bank or credit union marketer can go to town and ensure their campaigns are 100% laser-focused.   But before we get ahead of ourselves and start looking at the kind of campaigns […]

Online Marketing: Move Fast and Test Things

Mark Zuckerberg’s famous five-word mantra, “Move fast and break stuff,” inspired a generation of technology entrepreneurs who sought to emulate his success and get rich fast. For some (think Uber, Airbnb, and Netflix), this business philosophy worked well and left countless legacy competitors lying in the dust. But for others (think Theranos), breaking stuff meant breaking the law, which never ends well.  Moving fast and breaking stuff may work well for organizations with unlimited resources to devote to projects that may or may not yield a return. But for the […]

7 Ways Data Can Increase ROI of Marketing Automation

Data is the digital marketing equivalent of DNA. Every time a customer or prospect engages with your brand, they leave behind traces of information that marketers can analyze and exploit to inform their ongoing campaign strategies. And just like a detective at a crime scene, the more evidence (data) you collect, the more you can do with it. But data can also be a complicated beast. With so many data points, it can be challenging to make decisions based on the mass of information you are presented with on a […]

Choosing the Right Form Builder: Factors to Consider

Online forms show up everywhere you browse and have become an essential tool for collecting valuable customer data. You’ve likely filled out hundreds if not thousands in your life whether that’s signing up for updates, opting in for a newsletter, entering giveaways, registering for events, and more. From the user experience side, it is very intuitive and second nature. But what about from the side of the marketer who has to create the form? Choosing the right online form builder for your company can make a large impact on how […]


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