The Ultimate Guide to Email List Segmentation for Higher Engagement

I’ll scream if I hear the words “mass” or “bulk” email marketing campaign ever again. This dated approach isn’t what successful email marketing should look like in 2024. We’re much more sophisticated than that these days.    Email marketing success is no longer about the size of your list or the number of people you reach. It’s about the power of sending the right email message to the right person at the right time. This targeted, efficient, and effective email marketing strategy begins with email list segmentation, empowering you to connect […]

Hard Bounce vs Soft Bounce: Understanding the Difference

One of the many great things about email marketing is the almost instant access to easily understandable analytics following each send. Open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, spam complaints—it’s pretty obvious what each of these metrics means. But what exactly is a bounced email, and why is it crucial to understand the difference between a hard and soft bounce? Let’s delve into this important distinction:  What is a Bounced Email? A bounced email is an email message that cannot be delivered to its intended recipient and is returned to the […]

Email Marketing Tips for Banks

Email marketing offers banks and other financial institutions a powerful marketing channel to engage with clients, provide valuable insights, and promote financial products and services. In many respects, email marketing for a bank is just like email marketing for any other retail business. Despite this, many marketers believe that email marketing can be challenging or even risky in an industry where trust and security are crucial. However, the benefits of email marketing, when done right, far outweigh the risks, making it a strategy worth considering for banks. In this post, […]

Email Marketing vs SMS Marketing: SWOT Analysis

It’s never been easier for marketers to target their audience in a location that almost guarantees engagement. That location is on a device held in the palm of their customers’ hands, and according to a report in The Atlantic, 21% of people would rather go without their shoes than put that device down. Of course, we’re talking about the smartphone.  It’s hard to imagine a technology so hardwired into our psyche that almost every modern marketing channel attempts to drive engagement through it. Even the humble billboard poster encourages passers-by […]

New DMARC Requirements for Gmail and Yahoo!

Beginning February of 2024, Gmail and Yahoo! will require senders to pass DMARC in order to avoid negative impact to email delivery. What is DMARC? DMARC is an email authentication protocol that works on top of SPF and DKIM. For a DMARC record to pass in emfluence, you must also have the required DKIM records for that sending domain (which should have been set up during your onboarding). You can learn more about DMARC and how it works here. What do I need to do? If you send emails to […]


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