Microsoft Dynamics’ Role in Mapping the Customer Journey

As marketers, we talk a lot about the importance of maintaining quality customer data and its fluidity. If your data isn’t fresh, up-to-date, and easily accessible across your organization, the value of that data is potentially compromised.   Having a central repository to store and manipulate your data isn’t a “nice to have” option. It’s absolutely essential. Needless to say, the moment a spreadsheet is involved, you suddenly lose any integrity in your data.  Introducing Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics is a software solution that organizations employ to manage their data for […]

Purpose, Personas and Pain Points: Three B2B Marketing Data Points to Map the Customer Journey

As B2B marketers, it’s our job to guide our customers on a journey. This journey should take them from the point of discovery, along a route that inspires and informs, until they reach a destination where a commercial arrangement formalizes the relationship.  While many people speak of their incredible adventures in business, you should never confuse your customers’ journey as an adventure. By nature, an adventure is chaotic, longwinded, and potentially dangerous. This isn’t a route you want to take your clients along.  While every customer journey is different, there […]


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