Looking for inspiration for your next automated email campaign? Watch one of our marketing automation how-to videos to learn how you can build some of the most successful types of marketing automation campaigns, no matter what marketing automation platform you use today.

Marketing Automation Videos

emfluence APIGetting Started with the emfluence API. Variable ContentCreating Variable Content in emfluence.
personalized landing pagesLearn how to create personalized landing pages. ab testingLearn how to A/B test your emails.
Marketing automation three minutes Marketing Alignment (1)Learn how to align sales and marketing teams. Marketing automation three minutes Query BuilderLearn how to create automated audience segments.
how to build a birthday email campaignLearn how to build a birthday email campaign. contract renewal email campaignLearn how to build a contract renewal email series.
Marketing automation three minutes customer satisfaction surveys Learn how to build a customer satisfaction survey. event promotion campaignsLearn how to build an event promotion campaign.
high contact scoreLearn how to create high contact score campaigns. lead reactivationLearn how to create lead reactivation campaigns.
newsletter strategyLearn how to plan your email newsletter strategy. onboarding campaignLearn how to build automated welcome campaigns.
paid search lead nurtureLearn how to nurture your paid search leads. website page automationLearn how to send emails based on website visits.
whitepaper download nurtureLearn how to nurture your content downloads. winback campaignLearn how to create an automated winback series.
Marketing automation three minutes cross sell campaignsLearn how to build a cross sell campaign. Marketing automation three minutes content variableLearn how to create variable content blocks. 
Buyer IntentUsing buyer intent signals to automate outreach. Marketing automation three minutes post saleCreating customized post-sale landing pages. 
Using Source Campaign in Marketing Automation.  

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