What’s New: URL Parameters on Forms, API Updates, New Achievements, and More

This month’s emfluence Marketing Platform updates include the ability to set URL parameters on forms, group level suppression data available in the API, new achievements to unlock, and more. See what our community has asked for and what we built: Forms: URL Paramaters ED Asks: We need forms built in the platform to be able to capture source/medium/keyword out of the referring UTM. Users are now able to set a field’s default value to come from a user-defined URL parameter along with a fallback value (if the URL parameter is […]

What’s New: Enhancements to Bot Detection and Traffic Accuracy

We’ve made some important updates to how emfluence handles bot traffic, and it’s essential to understand how these changes might impact your email metrics. While you may notice a decrease in your open and click rates, the data will now be more accurate and reliable. Read on to learn about the updates we’ve implemented and how they will improve the quality of your reporting. Website Tracking If a bot is identified, we will not only discount their email metrics but we also won’t count any website tracking data from them […]

What’s New: Email Click Map, SMS Triggers and More

This month’s emfluence Marketing Platform updates include a visual click map in email reporting, the ability to trigger a workflow with a keyword from an incoming SMS message, domain exclusion in contact scores, and more. See what our community has asked for and what we built: Email Reporting: Visual Click Map IP Asks: Would it be possible to add a visual click map in email reporting? Under the Reports tab on a sent email, you will now see “Click Map” as an available report. This will provide a visual to […]

What’s New: Workflow Navigation, Email Failure Diagnostics, and More

This month’s emfluence Marketing Platform updates include enhanced workflow navigation, better failure diagnostics and import mapping, and more. See what our community has asked for and what we built: Workflow Navigation MR Asks: Zooming in and out of a workflow is difficult without a mouse, can you add some buttons on the canvas? We’ve added “Zoom In”, “Zoom Out”, and “Zoom to Fit” buttons in the preview pane found in the top-right of your workflow canvas. Email Failure Diagnostics AJ Asks: Can you make it easier to see the reason […]

What’s New: Branded Unsubscribe Pages, Image Sharing Across Accounts, and More

This month’s emfluence Marketing Platform updates include customized unsubscribe pages, shared files for reseller accounts, link reporting updates and more. See what our community has asked for and what we built: Resending Email to a Segment SA Asks: Can you make it easier to copy an email and deploy it to non-openers or non-clickers? emfluence has now simplified the process of resending an email to a segment of the original list. In the original email, under Recipients, you can use any criteria to determine the new list (example: Clicks No). […]


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