
How to Prep for Email Marketing Platform Migrations

So you’ve settled on a new email service provider or marketing automation platform – congratulations! The trek up the mountain to compare solutions and find agreement with other teams is over. But I hope you’ve saved enough energy for the climb down. There’s still a lot of progress needed to call this thing done. The trick is finding a good, safe trail before making your descent. The risks are great of starting without a path or losing vigilance because you’re fatigued. We’re talking severe injury – campaigns that don’t get […]

A/B Testing with the emfluence Marketing Platform

How do you know if this subject line is better than another one? What if a different colored call-to-action button could generate more clicks? Will more people open with a personal from name or your brand name? With the emfluence Marketing Platform, you can test up to five versions of your emails to learn the answers to these (and more!) questions. Watch our 2020 And Then Some Conference video to find out how:   In this video, you’ll learn: How to set up an A/B test in the emfluence Marketing […]

Building Personalized Landing Pages

With the emfluence Marketing Platform, you can personalize landing pages for each visitor, just like you can with emails. Plus, personalized landing pages are a great way to integrate your digital strategy with physical campaigns, like direct mail! Want to see how you can build a landing page that swaps variables for a personal experience? Watch this special video from the 2020 And Then Some Conference to learn how:   In this video, you’ll learn: How to create variable content in an emfluence Marketing Platform landing page How to use […]

Getting Email Subject Lines Just Right

Subject lines can be tricky, which may or may not be one of the reasons why you are here reading this post. Your subject line should ideally help your email stand out from others in your recipient’s inbox. Your subject line needs to capture attention and encourage action from recipients. In a perfect world, people would see your subject line and immediately want to click your email to see what else is inside. That is the goal, at least to most email marketers. In order to achieve this goal, you […]

Opt-in vs. Opt-out Email Sign-up: What’s the Difference?

It’s an ongoing discussion in the email marketing world: Do you choose to grow your list via opt-in vs. opt-out methods? I had a client ask me this week what were the real pros and cons of each. How could they decide what’s right for them? First, what’s the difference? What is opt-in vs opt-out? Opting-in means that a user will first need to check a box (or take a confirmative action) to consent. While opting-out means a user must uncheck a box to remove their consent. What is an opt-in email sign-up? Opting-in […]


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