
Email Marketing Tips and Tricks: Live Text

A picture is worth a thousand words. That statement should be as true today as when Frederick R. Barnard first suggested it in the late 1800’s. However, as an illustrator famed for his work on the novels of Charles Dickens and early visual advertising campaigns, it’s safe to say that Barnard never experienced the problem of a poorly rendered email.   When images fail to download due to lack of internet or mobile connectivity, a picture is worth absolutely nothing.  Words and Pictures Suppose you use graphics to represent the text in your email campaigns (think company logos, fancy fonts, promotional banners), […]

Benefits and Drawbacks of Adding SMS to Your Marketing Mix

SMS marketing has quickly become a key part of the marketing mix for companies — both small and large — across almost every industry. It can be used to revive leads for B2B organizations or inspire immediate customer action for B2C brands. But like any ‘new’ way to reach customers and attract leads, the question remains, “Is it right for your organization?”. To help you determine if bulk text messaging might be something your company should begin using as an engagement, sales, and customer service tool, here’s a quick look at the […]

emfluence Launches New SMS Marketing Service for Customers

Looking to give our customers another advantage over their competitors, emfluence is launching a new SMS service that allows you to send bulk text messages to anyone who opts in to receive text messaging from your company. With SMS, you’ll be able to send special sales offers, surveys, contests, delivery and shipping notifications, and other direct communications right to the phones of your customers. “Multiple studies have made clear that a great majority of customers want to be texted by companies they trust, and that’s why we’ve made it a […]

Email Marketing: To Double Opt-In or Not?

It’s a question that email marketers have been asking for almost as long as we’ve been sending emails.   Should I collect every email that legitimately comes my way and maximize the size of my lists? Or should I adopt a double opt-in strategy and risk losing potential subscribers with an additional step in the sign-up process, but guarantee the quality of my lists?  A single opt-in strategy can indeed help you build your lists approximately 20-25% faster than a more robust double opt-in process. But does this growth come at a cost?   If you had asked me a few years ago what my preference was, I’d have erred on the side […]

How Marketing Automation and CRM Help Each Other

Marketing automation and customer relationship management (CRM) go together. These tools should not only be a process that flows clearly from beginning to end, but also one that blends at needed points to create a cohesive story about the customer. They both paint half of a whole picture. So, why do they get cordoned off into different workflows in the business world? Companies have fine-tuned the way their organizations run, with each department being hyper focused on the tasks at hand. This is fine and all, but it is not […]


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