
Purpose, Personas and Pain Points: Three B2B Marketing Data Points to Map the Customer Journey

As B2B marketers, it’s our job to guide our customers on a journey. This journey should take them from the point of discovery, along a route that inspires and informs, until they reach a destination where a commercial arrangement formalizes the relationship.  While many people speak of their incredible adventures in business, you should never confuse your customers’ journey as an adventure. By nature, an adventure is chaotic, longwinded, and potentially dangerous. This isn’t a route you want to take your clients along.  While every customer journey is different, there […]

Ten Profitable SMS Personalization Strategies

SMS marketing is quickly becoming a go-to method to reach, engage, nurture, convert, and retain subscribers. But using SMS personalization strategies is what will set your text message marketing apart from the companies that are just blasting out generic texts to their lists. Over half of consumers (54%) say they’ll be more likely to purchase products from companies that use personalized text messages to communicate with them. But is that true? People often say things in surveys that conflict with what they actually do in real life. Now that more […]

Where to Personalize in Email

Email marketing doesn’t just play around with the concept of demographics employed by most acquisition marketing channels. There’s an actual, identifiable human behind every email address and they deserve better than a “catch-all” email communication.  In many ways, email is a marketer’s dream. It’s not only a medium where individual consumers opt in and subscribe to your campaigns, suggesting they really value your email communications. It’s also a place where your subscribers surrender so much personal information over the lifetime of their relationship with an organization that it really would […]

Personalization at Scale: More Than “[FNAME]”

By Ryan Phelan | Managing Director at RPE Origin Everywhere I go, I run into someone talking about personalization as if it were some new discovery or the next big trend. We have been talking about the need to personalize for 20 years. Why do people think it’s new?  True personalization is complex. The challenge I see is that we have oversimplified the gateway to success for email marketers. Why should we care? That part is easy.   We need to care because the rest of the digital marketing world is […]

How Your CRM Can Help You Get Personal

CRMs have an amazing ability to take relationships to the next level. They equip companies and teams with the tools needed to attract, retain, and nurture clients. Tap into your CRM and you also tap into the insights needed to personalize quickly and efficiently for your audience. Curious how to use what’s already at your fingertips to drive your personalization efforts? Read on to learn about the power of a CRM in getting personal. Build Relationships You’re already using your CRM to save everything from phone calls to social media […]


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