Got a big event coming up? Learn how to leverage the emfluence Marketing Platform to promote your next event. We’ll cover the Marketing Calendar, social media integrations, email, landing pages, and more: In this video, you’ll learn: How to create events and plan your promotion strategy in the Marketing Calendar How to automate emails and send messages to targeted audiences How to incorporate visuals, like countdown timers, to generate engagement
Internal site search is a key component of websites, allowing users to quickly and efficiently find what they’re looking for. It is also critical functionality for e-commerce sites with a large inventory of products. Wouldn’t it be neat if we could skip over the intermediate step of driving users to your site from an email, and allow users to conduct a site search right within the email itself? Although inbox support varies, it is possible to do while still providing a fallback. Proper code setup is critical for this to […]
A few weeks ago, before our days were filled with online conference calls and setting up makeshift home offices, I had the opportunity to attend the UnSpam Conference hosted by Really Good Emails. The conference consisted of two days’ worth of fellow email geeks speaking about topics ranging from design trends, industry predictions, deliverability and more. It was a great opportunity to learn from others in the industry and come away with fresh ideas and new inspiration for all things email. One presentation in particular that really stuck with me […]
Many marketers are guilty of only previewing their email on desktop inboxes before sending, assuming the mobile version will be functional enough to pass. If your emails have significant mobile open rates, here are 5 ways you can quickly optimize them with CSS for a better mobile experience: 1. Stack multi-column layouts into a single column Phone screens don’t have much horizontal real-estate, and most multi-column layouts will struggle to fit. You can stack these columns, and allow the user to scroll through the content naturally. CSS /**This will turn […]
We’re not just listening, we’re listening. It’s easy for marketing automation platforms to toss up a feature request button, but we’re taking it a step farther. Each month, we recap the features requested by–and built for–the emfluence Marketing Platform community. Here’s what we accomplished in January 2020. Webhooks MS asks: Can the emfluence platform notify our CRM immediately when a sales lead comes in? Most CRMs retrieve data from the emfluence Marketing Platform on a set schedule. For business issues that are more time-sensitive, such as a sales lead, webhooks may […]