How Is Marketing Automation Different from CRM?

When a company runs like clockwork, marketing and sales tasks can appear as if they are blended. However, only the companies that can distinctly identify the purposes and roles of these departments and their tools are able to function successfully and efficiently. Marketing automation and CRM systems are both tools used by companies to handle and organize leads and interactions. While they may appear to take on similar tasks, it is important to understand the goals of each software in order to effectively integrate them with business processes. Primary Differences […]

Five Campaigns for Manufacturing Marketers

Manufacturing companies aren’t typically on the leading edge of adoption for digital marketing strategies, and according to the Content Marketing Institute, only 1% of manufacturing marketing teams consider their marketing to be “sophisticated”. However, you don’t need to be a marketing wizard to leverage your CRM data to efficiently (and effectively) segment, nurture and ultimately sell more deals with your marketing automation platform. You just need the right data and a plan in place. Marketing deserves at least a 50% stake in every CRM. The data being collected in your […]

Buyer Intent Triggered Email Campaigns

Are you working a strong funnel of marketing qualified leads? Using buyer intent signals in the emfluence Marketing Platform and your CRM system, you can create automated outreach emails designed to determine which of those marketing qualified leads might be ready for a sales conversation–all without your sales team lifting a finger. In this video, you’ll see what signals to use and how to automate the outreach while still maintaining a personal touch: In this video, you’ll learn: What buyer intent signals to include in your automation query What data […]

Creating Lead Nurture Campaigns with Your CRM and emfluence

Understanding the roles best played by your CRM and marketing automation platform is key to developing data-driven lead nurture campaigns. It’s important to set the actual content and design of your campaign aside for a moment and think about the data points you will use to build it. But first a quick reminder of why we use lead nurture campaigns—not all leads are created equal. They fall within a spectrum, from complete stranger to your brand to sales qualified prospect with a need, desire and budget established. Somewhere along that […]

How to be More Successful with Marketing Automation

Email has been one of the most consistent channels for marketers during the 2020 pandemic. Volume overall (as measured by the emfluence Marketing Platform) is up more than 56% this year, and there’s no surprise as to why—in a time where direct mail, targeting methods, sales calls, and trade shows are largely unavailable, we can always rely on email to find its way to our target audience. That doesn’t mean marketers have freedom to email at random. If you want your email campaigns to prove successful, there is a list […]


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