As email marketers, our goal is to continuously grow our list of subscribers who are receiving our communications on a regular basis. However, it is also just as important to ensure that our list of subscribers is clean and healthy. Some of the top ways to ensure you are maintaining a healthy list is by performing regular list cleanse scrubs to identify any potential high-risk email addresses, as well as to practice audience segmentation to ensure you are only sending to contacts who fall within a certain engagement threshold. However, […]
Subject lines can be tricky, which may or may not be one of the reasons why you are here reading this post. Your subject line should ideally help your email stand out from others in your recipient’s inbox. Your subject line needs to capture attention and encourage action from recipients. In a perfect world, people would see your subject line and immediately want to click your email to see what else is inside. That is the goal, at least to most email marketers. In order to achieve this goal, you […]
It’s an ongoing discussion in the email marketing world: Do you choose to grow your list via opt-in vs. opt-out methods? I had a client ask me this week what were the real pros and cons of each. How could they decide what’s right for them? First, what’s the difference? What is opt-in vs opt-out? Opting-in means that a user will first need to check a box (or take a confirmative action) to consent. While opting-out means a user must uncheck a box to remove their consent. What is an opt-in email sign-up? Opting-in […]
Collapsible navigation is standard practice on websites, but what if you want to include navigation in your emails? Listing a bunch of links above your email content on mobile is not going to be ideal, so if you think your emails need to include navigation, here’s a solution! This was built out using several methods created by Email on Acid, so thanks to them for their contribution to better email! To start, we’ll just create our menu as it will appear in on desktop versions: <div id=”navigation-container”> <table class=”navigation” width=”100%” […]
As digital marketers, we are all familiar with that anxious feeling you get as your mouse hovers over the “Send” button on an email that is about to go out to thousands, maybe even tens of thousands of recipients. The feeling of uncertainty, as you pause and think to yourself, “What if I misspelled a word or forgot to include a link?” Email Send Anxiety is real, and while you may not be able to shake the feeling completely, there are common errors to look out for and steps you […]