How to Build a Trade Show Lead Nurture

Want to make the most of your trade show leads? Start by building a trade show lead nurture program with your CRM and marketing automation platform.   The idea of creating a lead nurture campaign is pretty easy to get behind. A lead comes in, a scheduled series of follow up touchpoints are triggered, conversion rates improve and all things are right and good in the world of sales and marketing.   As you plan out your event communications strategy, here are some high-level steps to get you up and […]

Tip of the Month: CSS techniques to optimize for mobile email

Many marketers are guilty of only previewing their email on desktop inboxes before sending, assuming the mobile version will be functional enough to pass. If your emails have significant mobile open rates, here are 5 ways you can quickly optimize them with CSS for a better mobile experience: 1. Stack multi-column layouts into a single column Phone screens don’t have much horizontal real-estate, and most multi-column layouts will struggle to fit. You can stack these columns, and allow the user to scroll through the content naturally. CSS /**This will turn […]

How to Create Email Templates for Your Marketing Strategy

Thinking about overhauling your email strategy in 2020? There’s more to strategy than triggers, segments, and copy. One of the more important decisions you’ll make as you build out your email strategy is how you will display the message you wish to send. Here’s where your email templates come into play. Email templates provide your email strategy with a framework of possibility. They help you keep your branding consistent across campaigns and email types. They can be time savers as you create and add new emails to your campaigns. They […]

Tip of the Month: One-click reviews

Online reviews continue to play a huge role in consumer trust for companies. It is becoming increasingly important for companies to engage with their customers and gain feedback. It seems like a small request, but giving feedback is usually a commitment customers aren’t willing to take. To make it as simple as possible, we can set up an email and a landing page with a little javascript to gain reviews in only one click. To create the hover effect on our stars, some css was involved: .ratings td { background-color: […]

Tip of the Month: Dark Mode in Email

Dark Mode is a feature introduced recently through on Apple and Android devices, and is getting used by those who want better text readability, want to save battery life, or simply prefer the dark appearance. Your emails will generally remain unaffected when a user enables dark mode, but did you know you have the ability to style your emails based on your recipient’s color scheme? Doing so can enable your emails to be more in sync with a user’s preferences, and can also just be a fun way to show […]


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