2019 is barely underway and we are pleased to introduce a few new updates to the emfluence Marketing Platform. Exclusion Group The Exclusion Group feature makes sending emails even easier. Available in the “Select Group” step, the feature allows senders to specify a group or groups to omit from a mail list. The feature may be handy if you want to mail to your master list but want to exclude a subset for whom the message is inappropriate. For example, you may want to exclude your Florida customers from your […]
You may have noticed a couple of small, but extremely useful, updates to the emfluence Marketing Platform. If not, read below and find a couple of new tricks in looking at your data! Contact Details Now when you are viewing the Contact Details of an individual contact record, all groups which that contact is a member of will migrate to the top of the list. You will also see a new search bar allowing you to search the column for other groups which you may want to add that contact. […]
A couple weeks ago I received a call from a new client who was moving from another M.A.P. to our Platform. They had hundreds of thousands of emails they had collected over 10+ years and they weren’t sure if they should bother with the oldest lists or not. My answer: Clean it up and start with a Re-Permission Campaign. It’s the New year after all, the perfect time for getting things like this straightened out. Email List Cleaning First, we discussed why list hygiene was the place to start. After […]
It goes by many names: Preheader, Preview Text, Second Subject Line, Snippet Text. Whatever you call it, it is (in this email marketer’s opinion) one of the most underutilized but most valuable parts of a marketing email. The Preheader of your email lives at the very beginning – above your banner image, before any content or links. Since it’s usually displayed below or directly after the Subject line, it’s much more relevant in Inbox view than once the email is actually opened. The inbox is, after all, the point at […]
Recently, a client asked a question as we were working on their email/domain authentication: “Why do I have to do this?” When email marketers go from an email platform that doesn’t utilize authentication tactics like Domain Keys and SPF records to one that does — like emfluence — it’s not uncommon to be confused, so they were asking a great question! The reason some email service providers don’t authenticate is because it definitely takes a bit of time and some technical/website help. It can be the difference between starting to send email […]