There are a lot of factors working against today’s marketer. Audiences are saturated with messaging day-in and day-out. Consumers are increasingly aware and skeptical of advertisements and the data acquisition practices behind their targeting. Marketing technology solutions are constantly evolving and becoming more and more complex. On top of that, marketing professionals are being expected to take on more responsibilities at the company level as well. They’re being charged with building the brand, communicating with internal and external stakeholders, developing channel strategies, engaging with the community, driving digital transformation, and […]
CRM + Marketing Automation
Want to make the most of your trade show leads? Start by building a trade show lead nurture program with your CRM and marketing automation platform. The idea of creating a lead nurture campaign is pretty easy to get behind. A lead comes in, a scheduled series of follow up touchpoints are triggered, conversion rates improve and all things are right and good in the world of sales and marketing. As you plan out your event communications strategy, here are some high-level steps to get you up and […]
Personalization, personalization, personalization—that’s the key to success for digital marketers these days. But the dirty secret of personalization is that you have to have the data first to make it happen. The good news? Your CRM system is the perfect place to start. As you begin to think about the ways you can personalize your digital campaigns, your CRM system can help you put framework around what you can—and can’t—personalize. Personalization can refer to the timing, segmentation strategy, or data points within an email (among other things). In […]
Whether you use Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce, a homegrown CRM or otherwise, Marketing Lists built from sales data in your CRM system can be invaluable marketing tools if assembled and utilized properly. If you’re not already using Marketing Lists, these are especially effective when integrated into your marketing automation platform (like the emfluence Marketing Platform). By using Marketing Lists to feed your automated email campaigns, you can more efficiently target the most appropriate audience for any given campaign and include your Sales team in the list building process. Better yet, once […]
Hey, CRM marketers, sending leads from your marketing automation to your CRM environment isn’t a one-time event. Those leads still need nurturing—both to keep current customers happy and to encourage those early hand-raisers to fully convert into actual hot leads. The best way to this? Ensure your CRM system is funneling opportunity to your marketing automation platform (like the emfluence Marketing Platform, say) with the data it needs to generate the most effective follow-up campaigns. In the world of email automation, this data passage is referred to as “trigger” […]