Creating Lead Nurture Campaigns with Your CRM and emfluence

Understanding the roles best played by your CRM and marketing automation platform is key to developing data-driven lead nurture campaigns. It’s important to set the actual content and design of your campaign aside for a moment and think about the data points you will use to build it. But first a quick reminder of why we use lead nurture campaigns—not all leads are created equal. They fall within a spectrum, from complete stranger to your brand to sales qualified prospect with a need, desire and budget established. Somewhere along that […]

Soothe Your Email Send Anxiety in 6 Steps

As digital marketers, we are all familiar with that anxious feeling you get as your mouse hovers over the “Send” button on an email that is about to go out to thousands, maybe even tens of thousands of recipients. The feeling of uncertainty, as you pause and think to yourself, “What if I misspelled a word or forgot to include a link?” Email Send Anxiety is real, and while you may not be able to shake the feeling completely, there are common errors to look out for and steps you […]


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