List Building—How to Do It The Right Way

According to our report on the State of Email Marketing, email is becoming increasingly more relevant with 87 percent of marketers believing that email marketing is or will be critical to their overall marketing success.   However, there is no email marketing without an email list, and building a robust database is a top priority for marketers everywhere. We’re here to share some tips and tricks on building and growing a subscriber base you’ll be proud of.   What is an Email List? An email list is a database of important information […]

Personalization: The Buzzword for Savvy B2B Marketers in 2022

By now, it should come as no surprise that the use of personalization significantly improves campaign performance. However, while 95% of B2B marketers agree with that statement, only 62% of the marketers surveyed in our State of Email Marketing B2B Perspective report plan on including greater personalization efforts in their 2022 strategies. If marketers understand the importance of personalization, why aren’t we seeing more of it?  The truth is, there are many reasons why there hasn’t been a larger adoption of personalization strategies in the B2B space—a lack of confidence, […]

Purpose, Personas and Pain Points: Three B2B Marketing Data Points to Map the Customer Journey

As B2B marketers, it’s our job to guide our customers on a journey. This journey should take them from the point of discovery, along a route that inspires and informs, until they reach a destination where a commercial arrangement formalizes the relationship.  While many people speak of their incredible adventures in business, you should never confuse your customers’ journey as an adventure. By nature, an adventure is chaotic, longwinded, and potentially dangerous. This isn’t a route you want to take your clients along.  While every customer journey is different, there […]

Ask the Experts: Relevancy and Personalization in 2022

You are not alone if you feel like it’s been even more challenging to hit the inbox consistently. Personalization and relevancy aren’t a guarantee that you will land in the right spot, but it does play a role.   Find out how experts in email answered our question:   Relevancy in email has been part of the conversation for over 20 years—in 2022, as personalization evolves and bubbles to the top of the conversation, how does the definition of relevancy change?  The Experts Christopher Donald | InboxArmy Betsy Grondy | Blackhawk Network […]

Email Marketing Tips and Tricks: Live Text

A picture is worth a thousand words. That statement should be as true today as when Frederick R. Barnard first suggested it in the late 1800’s. However, as an illustrator famed for his work on the novels of Charles Dickens and early visual advertising campaigns, it’s safe to say that Barnard never experienced the problem of a poorly rendered email.   When images fail to download due to lack of internet or mobile connectivity, a picture is worth absolutely nothing.  Words and Pictures Suppose you use graphics to represent the text in your email campaigns (think company logos, fancy fonts, promotional banners), […]


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