Student recruitment will always be an uphill struggle if you think a printed prospectus and a basic website are enough to attract students to your college or university. To succeed in today’s higher education market, marketers must embrace a more agile, digital-first approach that addresses evolving student expectations through compelling storytelling, strategic lead generation, and effective student acquisition techniques. In this article, we’ll explore how student’s expectations of higher education institutes are changing, how the education market is being disrupted by new technology and trends, and how marketers can fight […]
Social Media
Mark Zuckerberg’s famous five-word mantra, “Move fast and break stuff,” inspired a generation of technology entrepreneurs who sought to emulate his success and get rich fast. For some (think Uber, Airbnb, and Netflix), this business philosophy worked well and left countless legacy competitors lying in the dust. But for others (think Theranos), breaking stuff meant breaking the law, which never ends well. Moving fast and breaking stuff may work well for organizations with unlimited resources to devote to projects that may or may not yield a return. But for the […]