Buyer Intent Triggered Email Campaigns

Are you working a strong funnel of marketing qualified leads? Using buyer intent signals in the emfluence Marketing Platform and your CRM system, you can create automated outreach emails designed to determine which of those marketing qualified leads might be ready for a sales conversation–all without your sales team lifting a finger. In this video, you’ll see what signals to use and how to automate the outreach while still maintaining a personal touch: In this video, you’ll learn: What buyer intent signals to include in your automation query What data […]

Winback Campaigns

You win some, you lose some. Learn how to create automated email campaigns that help win them back using the emfluence Marketing Platform:   In this video, you’ll learn: CRM triggers that can feed automated winback campaigns How and when to create automated campaigns for leads or clients you’ve lost What sorts of messages to include in a winback campaign

Onboarding Campaigns

Welcome new clients, customers, and prospects to your brand with an automated email onboarding series. Learn how to deliver information that’s relevant and creates a smooth onboarding process:   In this video, you’ll learn how to: Create triggers from your CRM system to launch an automated welcome series Incorporate helpful information needed for new clients to get started Personalize based on CRM data points

How to Create a Contact and Lead Scoring Methodology That Can Transform Your Business

There are a lot of factors working against today’s marketer. Audiences are saturated with messaging day-in and day-out. Consumers are increasingly aware and skeptical of advertisements and the data acquisition practices behind their targeting. Marketing technology solutions are constantly evolving and becoming more and more complex. On top of that, marketing professionals are being expected to take on more responsibilities at the company level as well. They’re being charged with building the brand, communicating with internal and external stakeholders, developing channel strategies, engaging with the community, driving digital transformation, and […]

How to Use Marketing Lists from CRM to Power Your Marketing Automation Strategy

Whether you use Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce, a homegrown CRM or otherwise, Marketing Lists built from sales data in your CRM system can be invaluable marketing tools if assembled and utilized properly. If you’re not already using Marketing Lists, these are especially effective when integrated into your marketing automation platform (like the emfluence Marketing Platform). By using Marketing Lists to feed your automated email campaigns, you can more efficiently target the most appropriate audience for any given campaign and include your Sales team in the list building process. Better yet, once […]


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