This month’s emfluence Marketing Platform updates include customized unsubscribe pages, shared files for reseller accounts, link reporting updates and more. See what our community has asked for and what we built:
Resending Email to a Segment
SA Asks: Can you make it easier to copy an email and deploy it to non-openers or non-clickers?

emfluence has now simplified the process of resending an email to a segment of the original list. In the original email, under Recipients, you can use any criteria to determine the new list (example: Clicks No). After determining your list, you can click the Resend icon above your results.
This will create a new version of your email and a new group from those selected. You can then make changes (if necessary) to the new copy or go straight to scheduling it to deploy. An example of this process can be found in the emfluence ClickLearn Help Section.
Branded Unsubscribe Pages
MC Asks: Can you allow me to brand my unsubscribe page?

emfluence has added the ability to customize your unsubscribe page by adding a logo and changing the background color.. These settings can be found in the Options menu under Preference Page. Learn more about this here.
Links Report: Group-Level Filtering
SY Asks: Can you add group-level filtering on the Links report?

A group-level filter has been added to the summary list and individual URL links inside the Link report of both automated and manual emails.
Account Level Failure URL
DC Asks: Can you allow me to set up a failure URL across the entire account?

emfluence has added the ability to set an account-wide Failure URL for deactivated landing pages. Failure URLs on individual pages are still supported, and will overwrite the default.
Image Sharing Across Accounts
BS Asks: [As a reseller], can you make it possible to access images across accounts?

For our reseller users who jump between multiple accounts, we’ve added a “Shared Images” folder. Any images uploaded to that folder by a Reseller Admin will be viewable across all of your individual accounts. Only Reseller Admins have the ability to add, remove, or modify images in this folder, but all reseller users can use any of the images uploaded to the folder across all of their accounts.
Copying Emails from the Calendar
RG Asks: Can you allow me to copy emails from the Calendar?

We have added the ability to copy an email from the Calendar. When hovering over a message, you will now see the copy icon appear in the pop-up.
Got another request? Send them to us under the help section in the emfluence Marketing Platform!