This month’s emfluence Marketing Platform updates include enhanced workflow navigation, better failure diagnostics and import mapping, and more. See what our community has asked for and what we built:

Workflow Navigation

MR Asks: Zooming in and out of a workflow is difficult without a mouse, can you add some buttons on the canvas?

We’ve added “Zoom In”, “Zoom Out”, and “Zoom to Fit” buttons in the preview pane found in the top-right of your workflow canvas.

Email Failure Diagnostics

AJ Asks: Can you make it easier to see the reason for failures on an email send?

Any email that failed to deploy will show up in the Failed count for an email. We have added a help tip to identify those when viewing the Recipient report for All Failures. If you hover over any failure checkmark, you will receive a help tip letting you know which type of failure occurred. You can still use the Failed dropdown filter to search for different types of failure.

Import Mapping

DC Asks: Can you add the ability to save import mapping?

On an import, you can now save the field mappings to be reused at a later date.

Data Sync Files

BA Asks: Can you allow us to download processed data sync files?

For clients with data sync imports over a secure FTP connection, where the file is still available, client admins now have access to download the files to their computer.

UPDATES: GA Connector Achievement, Landing Pages and Spell Checker

The achievement for connecting Google Analytics has been updated to count GA4 where previously it only recorded legacy GA connections. Those users who have connected GA4 in their account should now see those points applied.

Also, updates to landing page reporting continue with new additions to the Source report. The email and landing page spell checker has also been updated.

Updated Seed List

Validity has updated their seed list. If you use the seed list, or are seeing deliverability issues you want to investigate, reach out to your account manager or for the updated list. Learn more about the seed list here.

Got another request? Send them to us under the help section in the emfluence Marketing Platform!

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