This month’s emfluence Marketing Platform updates include a visual click map in email reporting, the ability to trigger a workflow with a keyword from an incoming SMS message, domain exclusion in contact scores, and more. See what our community has asked for and what we built:
Email Reporting: Visual Click Map
IP Asks: Would it be possible to add a visual click map in email reporting?

Under the Reports tab on a sent email, you will now see “Click Map” as an available report. This will provide a visual to show where clicks occurred in the email. If you hover over any of the links on the click map, further breakdown of the clicks for that specific link will be displayed.
SMS: Keyword Triggers
MR Asks: Can you allow an incoming keyword to act as a trigger for SMS?

For those clients using SMS through emfluence, a keyword from an incoming message can now trigger a workflow by adding contacts to a group, email, custom decision, or another SMS message.
Contact Scores: Domain Exclusion
TR Asks: Can you provide a way for me to exclude certain domains from my contact score?

We have added an option on Contact Scores to exclude certain domains. This will allow you to remove internal domains or other domains that might be skewing your contact score data. Once added, you will need to click update scores to see the changes applied across all contacts for that scoring model.
Button Element: Default Font
DD Asks: Can you allow the button element to inherit the default font of the template?

We’ve made a change on the button element in the drag & drop editor. It will now show “Inherit” by default when you drag a new button onto your email or landing page. If your template has a default font applied, your button will inherit that font. You can still manually choose a font from the dropdown.
Workflows: Auto-Save
MR Asks: Can you add an auto-save option to Workflows?

An auto-save option has been added to the workflow canvas. NOTE: This only applies to the workflow itself, not the individual nodes (emails, SMS, etc.).
Surveys: Maximum Character Count

On a write-in question, you will now see a maximum character count allowed for the response, as well as the number of characters used so far in the response.
Query Builder: Picklist Options
TR Asks: Can you show me picklist options for a field in Query Builder?

If your custom field uses a picklist of allowed values, you will now see an option to display those values in Query Builder.
Campaigns: Download Option
PC Asks: Can you make the campaign list downloadable?

A download option has been added in the Campaigns section.
Got another request? Send them to us under the help section in the emfluence Marketing Platform!