This month’s emfluence Marketing Platform updates include a new spam filter, conditional preferences, updates to contact records, and more. See what our community has asked for and what we built:
Contact Record: Proofs
CO Asks: Can you add Proofs to the contact record?

Previously only shown in the ‘Timeline’ tab of a contact record, email proofs have been added to the ‘Emails’ tab.
Preferences Center: Conditional Preferences
PC Asks: Can you give me options to display different groups in the preferences center on the unsubscribe page?

Located in the Options menu under ‘Preference Page’, you will now find a Conditional Preferences section. This will allow users to create logic to determine which public groups show up in their preferences center. If a contact matches multiple conditions, all assigned groups will be displayed. If a contact matches none of the conditions, no groups will be displayed. You can find out more about Conditional Preferences in the emfluence Help Section.
Contact Record: Manual Score Updates
DC Asks: an you display manual score updates on a contact’s timeline?

If you have manually altered a contact’s primary contact score, you will now see that action captured on the contact’s Timeline.
Pre-Flight: Office 365 Spam Filter

A new spam filter has been added to Pre-Flight for Office 365.
Got another request? Send them to us under the help section in the emfluence Marketing Platform!