This month’s emfluence Marketing Platform updates include a multi-user indicator when editing emails and landing pages, updates to SMS scheduling, new additions to reporting and more. See what our community has asked for and what we built:

Manual SMS Scheduling

SR Asks: I was hoping to schedule two SMS messages in fairly close succession (say, five minutes apart). Is this a change you can make?

We’ve updated the option for manual SMS message scheduling from every 15 minutes to every 5 minutes. Interested in adding SMS messaging to your account? Contact

Social Data Via the API

RP Asks: Can you allow me to access social data via the API?

emfluence has added new socialMessages endpoints on its API for both lookup and search. Using the socialMessages/lookup endpoint you can pull back full details of a social message. Using the socialMessages/search, you can search social messages in your account by various criteria.

Consumer Domain Exclusion List

DC Asks: Can you add to the default consumer domain exclusion list on form entries?

emfluence has added the domain “” to the optional email domain exclusion list for new forms going forward. NOTE: This only adds the domain to new forms using the exclusion list. Any preexisting forms will need to be manually updated.

New Multi-User Indicator

MC Asks: Can you warn me if someone else is also editing an email at the same time?

emfluence has added a multi-user indicator at the bottom of the screen to alert you if one or more users is currently viewing the same email you are. The icon will appear at the bottom of the screen with the number of users visible. A similar update has also been added to landing pages.

Reporting Updates

New reporting updates include the addition of reach and impression metrics to social message reporting and the continued additions to landing page reporting, which now include both organic search and paid social as separate entries in the sources tab.

Got another request? Send them to us under the help section in the emfluence Marketing Platform!

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